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Booked a Caribbean Cruise Holiday? Check out our free Infogram on Grand Cayman one of the popular de

Everyone that has ever been on a cruise ship knows that the time you have at each port-destination is very limited, usually between six and eight hours before you have to head back to the ship and off to the next destination.

You want to maximize the time you have relaxing and enjoying everything the location has to offer, while minimizing the frustration of deciding what to do and which tour operator to choose, as well as getting the best value for money.

The various cruise lines do a great job of providing info on the tours they offer in collaboration with operators at each destination, but unfortunately the tours are usually expensive and limited to one maybe two activities which you have to share with other travelers which doesn’t always result in a memorable experience.

I had a firsthand experience of the issues and problems that comes with exploring a destination at speed and with very little knowledge on a recent cruise to Grand Cayman, one of the most visited Caribbean Islands with close to two million cruise ship visitors each year. I had a look at the shore excursions offered by the cruise line before we arrived at the port but none of them covered all the sites I wanted to see. I decided to see if I could buy a guide of the Island online but most of the available guides are catered towards tourists that stay on the Island for a couple of days and I found it hard to try and work through all the content and find specific sites that could be done within a limited time frame.

I ended up heading off on my own with a map of the Island and a rental scooter, and boy what an experience I had. For less than $200 I got to see and do everything I wanted and I managed to skip the ques of other tourists. I enjoyed the experience so much I headed back to the Island a couple of months later for an extended stay which turned into a three month adventure.

I realized that there is very little info available for cruise ship travelers that don’t want to go on one of the standard cruise line tours offered and would rather head out on an excursion or adventure of their own but, usually decide against it because of safety concerns, lack of information of what the destination has to offer or just being afraid that they will miss the ship because of an excursion gone wrong.

Hence the post, I decided to share my experience and knowledge of Grand Cayman with anyone that is going on a cruise or is visiting the island and would like to create their own adventure but don’t want to spend hours doing the research and calculating costs, are concerned about safety or other dangers and are unsure of the time each excursion or activity will take and how many activities they can do before they need to head back to the ship.

Below is an info gram of Grand Cayman and some general information about the Island and the major attractions. The info gram contains all of the sights and activities that can be done in 6 hours or less so please share this post with anyone that is going on a cruise to Grand Cayman or is traveling there for the holidays.

I am working on some really cool content for the next post, so be on the lookout for the next post or sign up to our newsletter and we will let you know when it become available.

If you found this post and the information useful please like and share the post. If you have any comments or suggestions please share them in the comments section.

And remember Seek Travel Explore

Fluffy Hero.

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