Booked a Caribbean Cruise Holiday? Check out our second set of free Infograms on Grand Cayman one of
Welcome back to the second installment on Grand Cayman as a cruise destination. I have been overwhelmed by the response and positive feedback on the first installment and I want to thank everyone that contributed with questions and/or suggestions on the first post.
Before I get going with the second instalment lets quickly recap the first installment and why I decided to write these posts.
Post 1 Recap
Problem – Going on a cruise and making sure you explore and enjoy the cruise destinations – Grand Cayman in this instance - without spending a fortune, standing in line with other tourists wasting valuable time and missing the ships departure.
Solution – Explore the destination on your own by using my experience as a blueprint and the clever tricks and tips I provide in these posts to design your own custom tour.
Why – I have gone on a number of cruise holidays and a cruise to Grand Cayman where I did a solo tour on a Scooter in 6 hours and I saw all the attractions I wanted to see for under $200 and made it back to the ship in time. I enjoyed the Island so much I went back after my cruise and stayed on the island for a number of months doing every activity and excursion on the Island.
I realized that there is very little info available for cruise ship travelers that don’t want to go on one of the standard cruise line tours offered and would rather head out on an excursion or adventure of their own but, usually decide against it because of safety concerns, lack of information of what the destination has to offer or just being afraid that they will miss the ship due to an excursion gone wrong.

So continuing from the first post let’s get started with some more info and tips to help you design your dream tour.
The majority of comments and suggestion from readers on the first post asked for more detailed information about Grand Cayman’s attractions and specifically ones cruise ship travelers can do.
Below I have created two infograms, one of the top dive sites and one of general attractions on Grand Cayman all of which can be done in 6 hours by cruise ship travelers or tourists visiting the Island. As always the infogram is free to download so please share this post with anyone that is going on a cruise to Grand Cayman or is traveling there for the holidays.

For the third instalment on this series about Grand Cayman I have been working on an amazing video of the Island which will be part of the next post, so be on the lookout for the next post or sign up to our newsletter and we will let you know when it become available.
If you found this post and the information useful please like and share the post. If you have any comments or suggestions please share them in the comments section.
Seek Travel Explore
Fluffy Hero.