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#Travel Magnets

Hi Guys!

Welcome back to a new series of posts for 2016!

Based on the feedback and requests on twitter and facebook from you guys I have decided to do a weekly post on my favroute travel and vagabonding posts, pins, videos and music that I have come accross for the week and that inspired me to plan my next trip, get outdoors and live an adventure or, just gave me some inspiration for the week.

I have wrapped it all up in a weekly post for you guys, which you can save, share and use to plan your next trip.

The idea behind the posts are that they be like a fridge magnet you collected from a destination you visted, when you look at it on your fridge it reminds you of all the best memories of that destination.....this series of posts will do the same thing but will hopefully provide you with the inspiration to go on your next adventure.

Thats the idea behind the name in anyway....

Here is the first edition, a random list of the good stuff,


#1. What I'm Whatching

King Lines - Documentary about rock climbing and free climbing, with some incredible footage and people living it up doing what they love.

Check out the trailer below.

Want to whatch some more, you can get the whole movie here!

#2. Some Pinterest Travel Inspiration

#3. An airbnb that will make you pack your bags and go!

#4. Some Travel Tunes for the road or inspiration... crank up the volume!

#5. Some food for thought....

Quote of the week


Are you enjoying Travel Magnets? If so, please forward this email to a friend and suggest they sign up for the weekly dose! As always, please let me know your requests and suggestions on Twitter. Which Maget above is your favorite? What do you want more or less of? Let me know! Just send a tweet to @fluffyhero9 and put #TravelMagnets in there so I can find it. Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful weekend, all, FluffyHero

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